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    Amber Shaper Un'Sok


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2013-03-05

    Amber Shaper Un'Sok Empty Amber Shaper Un'Sok

    Post by Legacy Thu Mar 07, 2013 9:47 pm


    1. Parasitic Growth (Healers) Phase 1 + 2
    2. Amber Scalpel (Raid Wide Attention) - Phase 1 + 2
    2a. Summon Living Amber - Phase (DPS) 1 + 2
    3. Reshape Life (Primary Gimmick)(Raid Wide) - All Phases
    4. Amber Monstrosity (Tanks/DPS) - Phase 2

    ------ Mechanics Explanation -------

    Amber Scalpel:: (!)Everyone
    Un'sok will target a player with an Laser beam that will follow the targeted player around.
    The beam will summon Amber pools on the floor which deals damage to anybody standing in it. The pools will
    also spawn Living Amber.

    Living Amber:: (!)Ranged DPS
    Living Ambers will fixate on random players. It is important to kill these before
    they go out of control. The main gimmick to these adds is they will damage you AND heal any other living
    ambers around them. These adds must be split accordingly and killed.

    Parasitic Growth:: (!)Healers
    This is a ticking damaging debuff that will cause any healing received by the
    victim to increase the ticking damage. The debuff lasts 30 seconds. Unless the player is about to die, do not
    heal them while this debuff is up.

    Reshape Life:: (!)Tanks (Phase 1) DPS/Healers (Phase 2 + 3)
    Un'Sok will turn you into an Amber Construct. The Amber Construct has 4 key
    abilities that you must use to beat the boss. Tanks will be the only targets for this during Phase 1
    and everyone else BUT the tanks will be targeted for this in Phase 2 and 3. In addition, you will manage
    a resource called "Will Power." If you reach 0 will power - you die.

    1. Amber Strike = Damages Boss, Adds stacking damage debuff on boss, Interrupts spellcasting.
    2. Struggle for Control = Interrupts yourself and locks you in place for 0.5 seconds.
    3. Consume Amber = Consumes an Amber Pool to heal yourself and regenerates Will Power.
    4. Break Free = When your life reaches 20% life, you will have an option to "leave" the construct.
    5. Amber Explosion (Not controllable, happens automatically) = Damages all friendly players around you.

    Amber Monstrosity (!)Tanks/Amber Constructs
    The Amber Monstrosity IS phase 2. He does everything the constructs do but
    for much more. Other Amber Constructs MUST use their Amber Strike (1) to interrupt the Amber Monstrosity's
    Amber Explosion. The Monstrosity will periodically grab the 1st person on its aggro table (tank) and throw
    the tank into other players causing damage to both players and any players around the targeted player. Finally,
    the Monstrosity will periodically stomp causing damage (minor) to players around it and knocking them away.

    ------ GGWP Strategy -------
    Phase 1
    All ranged DPS and healers should be spaced out to avoid being hit by pools and amber scalpel. Tanks
    will need to watch the "Reshape Life" cooldown. Tanks are the only ones that will be targeted by this ability in this phase.
    The Amber Construct tank should spam 1 (Amber Strike) as much as possible while the raid switches priority to getting the
    Construct down to <20% life. The Amber Construct Tank SHOULD NOT automatically break free (4) but instead keep spamming
    Amber Strike until 5 seconds before the next Reshape life. This is to maximize the damage debuff to end phase 1 quickly. The rest
    of the raid should focus on managing the Living Ambers and DPSing the boss accordingly. Healers should be aware of Parasitic Growth
    which is a debuff that cause all healing to the victim to increase the damage over time. You should only heal the afflicted player
    if he or she is about to die otherwise ignore them. Amber Construct'd players will involuntarily cast "Amber Explosion" which must
    be interrupted by using "Struggle for Control."

    Phase 2
    Un'Sok will continue to use his kit from Phase 1, in addition he will be immune to all damage at this point. The Amber Monstrosity
    will spawn and enter the fight. Reshape life will now prioritize the other members of the raid (tanks are last.) Tank 1 should grab
    the Monstrosity while Tank 2 grabs the boss. DPS who are in constructs should spam Amber Strike (1) on the Monstrosity - but save the
    Strike CD right before the Amber Monstrosity is about to use HIS explosion. Amber Strike is the ONLY way to interrupt this ability and
    save the raid from tons of damage. Announce when you are grabbed so the other tank can pull aggro while you run back. It's important to
    use your cooldowns during this transition.

    Phase 3
    Un'Sok will stop his Phase 1 kit and he will spam Reshape Life. The raid will be transformed at this point and should
    prioritize burning Un'Sok down. Spam Amber Strike. Use Struggle for Control when you're going to explode. Eat pools when your willpower is low.
    There is no breaking people out in this phase. Burn phase.

    ------ Group Breakdown -------
    2 Tanks / 3 Healers / 5 DPS

    Miyoko (T)
    Puzzledazn (T)
    Envisage (H)
    Sgtnasty (H)
    Joedeath (H)
    Bans (RD)
    Legacy (RD)
    Sandshrew (RD)
    Chaubbie (MD)
    Cowtipped (MD)

    Runed (T)

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 1:38 am