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    Rules, Guidelines, etc.


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2013-03-05

    Rules, Guidelines, etc. Empty Rules, Guidelines, etc.

    Post by Legacy Fri Apr 19, 2013 11:52 am

    1. General Stuff

    - Raid schedules will be posted a week in advance. If you agreed to show and/or are scheduled to show then you
    must show. Raids will almost always start at 9PM EDT. Please show up at least 15 minutes before raid
    time so that you can buy flasks, fix gear and do final checks. This is also the time I expect you to check
    your internet so that we do not have "Oh I'm lagging badly" nonsense. If you do not show by 8:45 PM EDT I will
    assume your internet has died and begin the process of replacing you for that night.

    - In the event you are running late or have an emergency (your net died) then I expect you to contact somebody
    or use the iPhone messenger app. Make it a priority to contact somebody over fixing your net should you even
    feel there is a chance it is more than a hiccup. Text, call, use FB, use your phone, whatever - just let somebody
    know so I can know. If you are gone for a prolonged period without a word I will replace you for the fight (pub most likely.)

    - Know your class, know the fight. No exceptions. You will be penalized harshly for repeated mistakes.

    - Please contribute to the guild bank with raw mats or gold donations as you see fit. Everyone is utilizing the repairs
    and eating the feasts for fights. If you do not want to farm mats then buy from the AH or buy from our bank. Do not

    - Joking is fine as we are a casual raiding guild however do not be an idiot and pull stunts that will waste 9 other peoples' times.

    - If you have grievances whether it be towards another raider or in general; talk to me. If you sit silent then I assume you're fine
    with it. No exceptions.

    2. "Fair Loot Distribution"

    - Main Spec > Off-spec. ALWAYS.
    - Due to excessive complaints, all rolls will be equalized among alts and mains. This will come into play mostly for earlier "old content."
    Everybody involved will be required to "pitch in" and help gear the new players, if you do not agree with this let me know asap.
    - If you wish to roll for off-spec please make that intention clear BEFORE rolling; if nobody has a problem then you may roll.
    - If you are on a lucky streak against a fellow player you are competing for in loot (clothies I'm looking at you) then be kind and
    pass over some gear to another. It is not mandatory.
    - I hold the right to intervene on item rolls if an upgrade is marginal for you and substantial for another. Tearz and Nate will
    be assisting me as a small "loot council" if you will. This will come into play later on, not so much in Old Content.

    3. In the event of outright failures (not due to emergencies)

    - You must know the fight one way or another. Ask before raid days if you have questions about encounters. This is not to say that you
    must be perfect, especially on new bosses, however not knowing that a boss can charge you is something you will be criticized on.
    - If you wipe the raid on purpose as a joke or excessively "screw up" then you will be asked to recoup the losses. This is meant to
    ensure people do take the raids seriously as our goal is progression. I do mean if you drop lightning balls on fissures 18 times
    in a row, a few times is understandable but people must be accountable for their actions or lack there of.
    - Note what killed you, examine the failures in a fight, improve upon it together - say something even if you feel it's a "well duh"
    move. We are in this together and you may inadvertently figure out what the core issue(s) are with the fight.
    - Asking questions does not equal not knowing the fight. Ask away. Questions posed like "So what does this boss do guys" would be an example
    of you showing us that you did not do research. "So when boss X does this, should I..." is acceptable.

    4. Random things.

    - We are all adults, act like it. People come from different backgrounds so expect different flavors of people. Anything that is clearly meant
    to be an intentional assault on another will be dealt with harshly. Subtle passive aggressiveness which includes intentional wiping or intentionally
    getting someone killed will be treated in the same respect. We are here to have fun so do not piss on everyone else's fire.

    - There will be more polling options when it comes to certain issues or events. Majority wins. Scheduling is not included in this if I can help it.

      Current date/time is Sat Sep 21, 2024 1:35 am